Crunchy Cheesy Pizza at Plaza Sing


Hello people! Welcome back to my blog! haha…Thanks everyone for the congrats for getting into Ybloggist Top 10 finalist this year. I’m kinda surprised yet excited because this my first time entered into bloggers contest. *谢谢大家*的支持* I need your votes! ^^ Go here to vote for me @ hpility:

So what today blog post about? Today will be sharing some food eaten 2 weeks ago whereby i met out with my friends for some mini shopping session. *Is food once again* Get ready to see some pizza and a dessert picture…haha…

Alissa and Isabel From Texas

PizzaHut Crunchy Cheesy Pizza! Have you eaten before? if not, you guys better go try now! haha went to try this pizza at plaza sing pizzahut outlet with William since 2 weeks ago…The pizza was pretty awesome as the cheesy and crispy part taste like heaven…lols… Feel like eating it again when free..haha

Seriously, i almost kena killed by Singapore weather!! Every time i walked just a few step to somewhere, i can sweat like mad…In school also sweat like mad…At night too warm cant sleep well too..I will turn into a crazy people one day if i continue like this…!! *救命啊*

Time really flies fast, May 2010 is ending in about few day times…Currently I’m rushing out my Ybloggist Round 1 blog post! It will be interesting because this my very first time visited night safari! haha… Stay Tune for my next blog post!