Cool Japanese Girls Animation


Hello people! Welcome back to my blog! As time goes by… Here coming toward the end of June 2010. Time past fast, what i can say is that… Enjoy the next day you have… 往前看

Its Monday and i guess most of the student school re-open today… Somehow they are still in holiday mood..haha…Anyway, as for me, I’m currently having my common test week… Staying at home, doing some graphic design theory revision for my coming up test at this Thursday… Paused all my project due to this common test…

Well, i know most of people same as me have stress up for this coming graphic design theory test.. haha Therefore, this afternoon while browsing through youtube, i found this interesting animation video created by some Japanese… *Take a look below*

2010 FIFA World Cup season… Recently, been watching worldcup almost every night… If you have follow my twitter, you guys will realize that i supported Brazil and Argentina all along the match! haha… Shall give my bet on the Final Match of 2010 FIFA World Cup! 🙂

Alright, I still have 2 – 3 pending blog post in my blogging schedule… Do Stay Tune! Wish me good luck in my coming up graphic design test too! ^^

Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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