End of JAN 2010 post Part 2.
Capturing with Life
Hello people! welcome back once again! haha…Is last sunday in JAN 2010…Tml onward lets welcome February…And this also mean that chinese new year is coming! It just coming in 2 week time…lols…Are you ready? oh well, maybe for some people is still early…haha Anyway, Feb is my busy month!!
“Aurora” Sky effect…Haha..Today while on my way out, I saw nature sunlight wave coming down from sky! This my first time seeing it just directly outside my house and feel so happy…Great to say that i captured down with my canon camera and its quality look not bad too! haha…One thing wasted is that the sky was in grey in colour…Here the Picture!

Let my food end this JAN 2010 and bringing everyone a bright new month ahead! haha…Last week of Jan been eating quite alots…Maybe is because too stress on project and make me keep on eating and eating…lols..Below here are the nice food i eaten this weekend! 😀

Are you hungry now after seeing my food above? haha…I just realize that i didnt take a picture of myself!! omg…lols, nvm its ok…Feb got more photo coming up! ESP the first week of feb…something going on…haha…Stay Tune! ^^
Next Blog Post: Hi My Sweetheart Episode 14 (Last Episode) Review!
Tats all for today
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