Brighten your smile with TrioClear Aligners


There are many occasions where we need to smile in front of a camera such as attending a wedding ceremony, birthday party, or celebrating an anniversary with your loved one. One of the key effects of smiling is to attract the people around you and it is the best tool to portray your personality and confidence.

Brighten your smile

Have you ever wondered how you can improve your teeth and achieve a better and brighter smile? Recently I had the chance to visit a dental clinic at my neighbourhood area for my teeth and gum check-up. Usually, I do this on a yearly basis because having good oral hygiene is necessary to keep my teeth and gums healthy. During my consultation, the professional doctor gave me a piece of great advice. While my teeth are straight but yet to be perfect, the doctor recommended that I use TrioClear™ clear aligners for at least 6 months to see the results. Using aligners can help to achieve straighter teeth for a better smile which can make you more photogenic on any occasion and be more confident.

TrioClear Aligners

What are the differences between Doctor-Directed Clear Aligners & DIY Clear Aligners?

If you are considering teeth straightening, there are currently two types of clear aligners in the market – the doctor-directed aligners and DIY aligners. During my dental check-up, the dentist also further explained to me what the main differences between these two options are. Basically, for doctor-directed clear aligners, there will be an experienced dentist monitoring your entire progress. After the first dental check-up, the dentist will then decide if the patient is suitable for the aligner’s treatment. Along the way, the dentist will also check if you are wearing the aligners correctly, keep track of your teeth movement situation and give advice if you feel uncomfortable. It is safer and more professional. However, DIY clear aligners do not provide such professional services.

TrioClear™ is a doctor-directed aligner solution with licensed dentists’ monitoring throughout your teeth straightening session. The clear aligner treatment period depends on the teeth condition.

To kickstart your TrioClear™ journey, the certified dentist will first give you a detailed assessment to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for TrioClear™ aligners. This process includes X-Rays and digital scans of your teeth. Next, you will proceed with a 3D simulation treatment plan on the TrioClear™ software so that you can have a preview of the final result on a 3D model, followed by producing the custom TrioClear™ aligners by the expert team. Lastly, your dentist will also be monitoring your TrioClear™ treatment progress until you get your perfect smile.

teeth straightening process

Is teeth straightening a painful and inaesthetic process?

One of the reasons why you should choose TrioClear™ Aligners is because of its comfortability and effectiveness. TrioClear™ is an innovative clear aligner system designed to straighten your teeth and transform your smile to perfection. Their aligners are nearly invisible and it helps to straighten your teeth by using multiple sets of clear aligners which are custom-made to gradually move your teeth step-by-step to its ideal position.

3 Reasons Why You Should Choose TrioClear™️ Aligners

1. More Hygienic

TrioClear™️ uses a unique 3-step aligner technology to help you gradually and continuously improve your teeth by wearing 3 different thicknesses of clear aligners within each interval. At each cycle, it goes from soft to medium and to hard; the varying levels of thickness help to gradually shift your teeth and achieve your desired smile in a more comfortable way. Therefore, you will be changing to a new aligner more frequently which makes it more hygienic.

2. Extra Safe

TrioClear™ aligners has extended gingival coverage which allows a larger amount of area to be covered by the aligner so that it is more invisible when worn. It comes with an increased control of the orthodontic force and provides extra protection to teeth movements.

TrioDim Force Technology

3. Nearly Invisible

Using the TrioDim Force™ Technology
TrioClear™ utilises the TrioDim Force™ Technology by placing small indents inside the aligners and using minimal attachments. TrioClear™ aligners are custom-made treatment plan designed by an expert team and certified dentist to monitor your treatment progress.

Trioclear aligners review


If you are interested in straightening your crooked teeth, I would recommend you to opt for the doctor-directed clear aligners for its safe and professional teeth straightening treatment. To start with, you can book a free smile assessment on TrioClear™ Website for detailed consultation and teeth checking.

Special Promotion

Good News to all readers! Simply use the promo code: TCHP100 to enjoy SGD$100 discount on TrioClear™ treatment. Book your FREE smile assessment here: . The special promotion is valid till 31 March 2022.