Asian Pop star Jay Chou and NBA star Kobe Bryant new Sprite commercial 2011


Hi readers and Jay Chou Fans!! Once again, Jay Chou make something different this year! His latest Sprite TV commercial with NBA star Kobe Bryant has now official released on air!! At the same time, also unveil his new Sprite commercial theme song [天地一鬥]. Check out their backstage production here…

天地一鬥 Lyrics:
Kobe Bryant: Do you know how to play B-ball, Jay Chou?
Jay Chou: Of Course!

天地山雨欲来 因为一场胜败 连风都躲在长城之后 屏息而待
众人的喝采 已九霄云外 你们该害怕接下来 我还会更快

Jay Jay Jay Chou,Chou Chou Chou Jay,Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Chou
Ko Ko Ko Be,Be Be Be Ko,Ko Ko Ko Ko Kobe Kobe
Kobe: So you wanna play ball or sing first?

What What What What Whatever
What What What What Whatever

你是天 我是地 如果合而为一我们天下无敌
你要记 我的名 走路有风这叫做自信

我深藏不露 我身影如梭 强悍如沙鸥只求 天地一斗
球场夜如墨 街灯亮如昼 只为了驰骋一宿 胜负不皱
我锐利如钩 你防如铁胄 用平分秋色幽了 天地一默
一笑泯恩仇 必争无王寇 我们快意且开阔 多年以后 喔

哼 一拳一脚打出自己招牌 别无分号如果你想要拆
首先你反应要比我更快 目前还没这样的人存在
再深的炼狱我都离的开 越热的考验越透心凉快
你想追求未来还是坐在场外 我用最炫的灵感自成一派

Kobe : Man!
Jay Chou: I’m not your man!
Kobe : YOU got spark!

Below here is the full version of the New Sprite commercial 2011. Featuring Taiwanese Pop star Jay Chou and NBA star Kobe Bryant.