Am I in the Right Place?


It’s 1st of MAY 2011, Sunday weekend! Happy Labour Day Everyone! Yeah, Tomorrow is Monday no school and work, its an extra public holiday for all to rest and enjoy! Yup, I can confirm that you are in the right place now reading ‘Hpility’ blog post! hahaha…

Recently Singapore very happening… Talking about Politics, General election and views on which party is good or bad and so on, had became the trends topic this week. Well, let’s put the political stuff behind and back to my school life! xD

As I mention in my previous school life blog post, today is the continuous post from last week… 2 week over, we received our project and need to be complete by week 15, some need to complete even earlier in week 5 which is 2 week from now…

Stress? Hmm.. for currently still ok, not really that stress.. haha usually stress when it come to exam period… Nvm, its ok, I ate ice cream almost every week to reduce my stressfulness. Haha…

Share some picture of my schoolmate before i end this blog post. I have a wonderful memory in April 2011, Hope MAY will be even better! More interesting post coming up next, remember to come back again! 🙂