8 Mistakes Any Bride Can Make (But Here’s How Not To)

wedding tips

wedding Bride

Most brides and grooms will tell you that there are many things that they wish they had done differently at their wedding. From regrets about choice of everyday shapewear to the guest list, to song choice, no wedding is perfect!

Every single couple has made at least one mistake when planning their big day – and anyone who says otherwise is lying! We’re going to talk you through some of the most common wedding planning mistakes, along with ways in which you can avoid them.

Not sticking to the budget

Don’t do anything before setting a budget. This applies to everything from the venue to the dress to everything else in-between. Be strict, even in the early searching process. In other words, don’t bother trying on a dress that is way out of your budget, as you will either get into debt or spend your entire life dreaming about that perfect dress you never had the chance to wear.

Failing to prepare for the rain

No matter how unlikely rain is, be sure to prepare for it so it doesn’t catch you off-guard. This means finding somewhere that is covered for those must-have outside pictures. If budget allows, consider getting cute umbrellas in your wedding colors for the bridal party to be escorted to and from the venue.

Assuming 10 percent of your guests won’t attend

Your budget, seating plan, and catering package might be depending on the accuracy of the stats that suggest 10 percent of the people you invite will RSVP ‘no’ – but that isn’t always the case. Do not over-invite because of the statistics. Prepare for every single person you have invited to come to your wedding, to ensure you have the right capacity and budget to accommodate all potential guests.

Impulsively sending ‘Save the Dates’

There is nothing more awkward than receiving a ‘save the date’ card in the mail, only to find out that you are no longer invited to the wedding. Many couples have been guilty of sending ‘save the date’ cards before securing their venue, meaning they may have to cut down on the number of formal invitations sent. Do not send anything until the venue has been confirmed.

wedding dress

Buying the dress too early

Many brides have made the mistake of buying their wedding dress before choosing their venue, and have therefore found that the dress doesn’t fit in with the theme and esthetic. A princess-style ballgown in a rustic barn setting doesn’t quite seem right, which is why it is always encouraged to secure the venue and think about the theme before going dress shopping.

Skipping the hair and make-up tutorial

Most brides will agree that hair and make-up are two of the most important parts of the wedding – apart from the wedding dress, and of course, getting married to the love of your life. Many brides have confessed to skipping tutorials, only to be bitterly disappointed with what the hairstylist and make-up artist have produced.

Another big regret brides have had is trusting a good friend or someone who comes with a glowing recommendation with their hair and make-up, and not having a trial beforehand. To avoid any nasty surprises, we recommend booking at least one tutorial to make sure you are happy with the person as well as the finished look. Remember, everyone wants different things, so one bride’s natural subtle look may be another bride’s worst nightmare.

Not hiring a separate videographer

Every single bride and groom says that their wedding day goes far too quickly, and it’s impossible to remember every single moment. This is what quality videographers are for, as they will capture parts of the day that you can’t remember or haven’t even seen. Staged photos are one thing, but a live-action memory of your special day is completely different.

The main reason couples have decided against videographers is the budget, so we recommend eliminating other things from the wedding to allow for this much-needed addition.

wedding photography

Not being specific about pictures

Don’t be vague with your photographer. Telling them to wing it because you trust them and like their previous work will only lead to disaster, and leave you disappointed when you don’t get that stunning garden picture overlooking the waterfall that you always dreamed of.

It also helps to tell the photographer what friends and family members you want to have formal pictures with in advance, so they can prepare their shots and round up the guests beforehand.