5 Ways to Start a Mindful Meditation Routine at Home

Mindful Meditation Routine

Meditation Routine

Practicing daily meditation is a great way to try and find peace in an environment filled with chaos, clear your mind, and focus on your needs. Though you may not have access to a meditation center, you can still meditate wherever and whenever you want. The key is to create a schedule for yourself so that your mind begins to look forward to a daily mindful meditation routine. Start with these five strategies to help you create an at-home meditation routine.

1. Set Aside Time Each Day

The purpose of your meditation can vary, whether it’s to decompress or evoke positivity, as long as you carve out time and space for mindfulness. This may prove to be one of the toughest parts of creating a mindful meditation routine. When carving out this special time, think about your schedule and when you would realistically be able to fit in at least 10 minutes of quiet.

For example, if you usually wake up with 15 minutes to spare before you need to head into work, then it’s probably best to not attempt to meditate first thing in the morning. The same can be said if you’re busy during the afternoon or evening. Plan your daily meditation when you have the least amount of distractions around you and when you are most alert.

2. Start Small and Work Your Way Up

Just like starting a new fitness regimen, meditation takes practice. You’ll be surprised by how much energy it takes to sit still and calm your mind, even for just a couple minutes. Try and start out small. Meditate for two minutes each day and work your way up for as long as you’d like. Living in a world filled with instant gratification and easy distractions can hinder your ability to think clearly and be still, so focus on clearing your mind for just two minutes. If you find yourself struggling to move from a two-minute meditation session to a five-minute session, try and work your way up in even smaller increments.

3. Create a Space

In order to have the most successful meditation experience at your home, try and dedicate a space specifically for meditation. According to House Method, make sure there’s no clutter in the space, allow minimal natural light to stream in from the windows (you’ll want the room to be as comfortably dark as possible), and fill the room with aromas of calming essential oils.

It doesn’t need to be exclusively for meditation, nor do you need any special tools for your mindful meditation session, but try and have this space void of any distractions. Keep your phone away from you (unless you are using it for guided meditation) or on “Do Not Disturb” mode, limit outside noises, and try to ensure that nobody will interrupt your meditation session.

4. Find a Guided Meditation

A great way to start your meditation journey is through guided meditation. You can find many books that offer “meditation prompts” that allow you to focus on a specific purpose for your meditation. Some of these include releasing negative energy or trying to go to sleep at night. There are also many apps on your smartphone that will walk you through your entire meditation journey. No matter your experience level, taking advantage of guided meditation can allow you to focus your energy and purpose of your meditation to leave you feeling fulfilled.

5. Be Kind to Yourself

Trying to retrain your brain to let go of distractions and stressors will prove to be a journey, rather than an action. Allow yourself the time it takes to get into the habit of daily meditation and let your mind work up to being able to release negative feelings and find a sense of calm. If you feel like you’re struggling in the current pace of your meditation practice, try and reduce the time or frequency of your meditation routine.

meditation routine at home

Ideally, you’ll be able to meditate every day, but consider reducing the amount of time you meditate each day if you’re having trouble concentrating for the allotted session. If you feel like it’s unrealistic to meditate every day, consider practicing three times a week, but stay consistent with when and where you meditate.