4minute in Singapore


If you are my blog daily reader or been keep update on my blog post, you guys will know that I actually official Fans of Jay Chou… NOW…introducing the next… 4minute! haha Yess! *Never know until i watch all their Music Video*

4minute a group from Korea CUBE Entertainment, form by 5 young girl who are Jihyun, Gayoon, Jiyoon, Hyuna and Sohyun (南智贤,许嘉允,全智允,金泫雅,权昭贤). After all, i can say that 4minute song are so addictive and their dance are impressive! haha i think Hyuna stand out the most in her Hot and sexy dance movement!

Other than singing Korean song, 4minute also did sing their song in Japanese Version. Love this song – グッバイ (Goodbye), below here is their Japanese song. Haha, Hope you like their song and dance too!

Lastly, If you are fans of Korean Kpop 4minute (포미닛) & B2st, i bet you guys will know that 4minute & B2st will be in Singapore in 2 days time which is this coming friday! As this year Youth Olympic Game is going to be held in Singapore, Kpop 4minute & B2st are invited for the celebration and will be performing at Marina Bay Promenade this Friday from 9.30pm – 11pm.

Thanks for spending time to read my 4minute blog post… This blog post took 40 minute to complete not 4 minute…haha…Stay tune for next post coming up on Singapore Youth Olympic Game opening ceremony.

Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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