Clicks are king in this era of digital advertising—at least when you are running what is called a PPC or pay-per-click campaign. In this digital advertising model, you as the advertiser will pay x amount for every time someone online clicks on the ad you are running, whether via a banner ad on a website, through a sponsored post or in paid search engine query.
The whole point of running a PPC campaign, which is part of the vast digital arsenal of any well-meaning digital marketing agency Singapore companies trust, is to basically buy online visitors to your landing page or website, thus making it one of the key concepts every digital marketer or advertiser must learn in great detail. One thing, in particular, that you ought to learn is how to come up with an effective PPC campaign and the considerations in assembling it.
These considerations are as follows, and they will surely help improve the efficacy of the PPC campaign you are to launch, in case you are planning to roll out one. Take a look:
What Are Your Budget and Available Resources?
It is only proper and prudent that before you decide on anything, you should first know your budget and the resources that will be at your disposal. Knowing both will provide you with a clearer sense of what you can and cannot do, enabling you to plan better and in greater detail. You will need to do due diligence here and crunch the numbers, which you can do using PPC campaign calculators or with the help of a paid advertising specialist.
You must determine as well if you have the right resources that will best translate your ideas to fruition. Do you have the personnel who can help you manage this campaign? Will you be given access to the platforms you need? Do you have the right talent to execute things? These are important considerations and taking them into account will guide you in crafting the best PPC campaign you can come up with.
Who Is Your Audience and What Is Their Intention?
The first thing to consider is obviously your audience—to whom are you advertising, to begin with? Are you looking at parents? Are you marketing to newlyweds? to Millennials? to Gen Zers? Knowing your audience allows you to focus your campaign on specific groups of people only, and this specificity can help you tailor your message and visuals better.
Having said that, you must also find out where your audience is in the decision-making funnel:
● Awareness – Are they becoming aware of your brand only now?
● Interest – Has your audience developed an interest in your brand?
● Desire – Is there a desire among your audience to know more about your brand and potentially interact with it?
● Action – Is your audience ready to take action, like sign up for a deal or make a purchase?
What Is the End-Game of Your Campaign?
With an audience in mind, you can next decide on the end-game or goal of your PPC campaign—aside from generating a sale, that is, as this is the ultimate goal of any advertising or marketing campaign anyway. Some of the specific goals you can pursue in launching a PPC campaign include generating leads and raising awareness. From here, you can narrow down your goals even further. Examples include the following:
● Generate 10 clicks per banner ad per day
● Generate 10 leads in 5 days
● Improve traffic to the landing page by 15% in one month
● Record x amount of sales from one month’s worth of leads
Whatever these goals will be, make sure that: (a) You determine them based on your market research, and (b) They are SMART—meaning, they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. These goals will then help you determine your PPC campaign’s key performance metrics, which you can use to further assess the effectiveness of the campaign and whether or not something needs to be altered or adjusted.
What Are Your Key Words?
Central to an effective PPC campaign is the use of the right keywords, so it is only logical that you spend considerable time doing keyword research. A simple trick ,in this case, is to brainstorm related keywords regardless of broadness or specificity and then narrow down broad terms or expand specific ones.
Another thing you should do is research the keywords your competitors are using to give you a broader idea of what terms you should be utilising in your own PPC campaign. You can also analyse the searches inputted in your website’s search function to get a better idea of what customers are actually searching for. Last but certainly not least, peruse the Google Search Console of your website to identify the organic keywords with the highest click-through rates.
As you start strategising for your next PPC campaign, make sure you approach it methodically by taking into account the above-discussed considerations. In doing so, you will be giving your PPC campaign the best possible chance of being effective—and successful.